The Versatility of Outdoor Pole Lighting

  Outdoor pole lighting encompasses a wide range of designs. Outdoor pole lighting is particularly useful for those homeowners wishing to light paths, walkways, doorways, driveways, or to caste light down upon unique facets of their yard. Outdoor pole lighting is especially unique because of its almost natural compliance with the Dark Sky movement - a movement aiming to curb the exposure of unnatural light cast up into the sky.

The Dark Sky movement emphasizes point light downward, thereby providing better light to your area, reducing energy consumption, and reducing glare. Outdoor pole lighting works in conjunction to providing better light to your area because it naturally casts light downward with certain designs, which directs all of the light to the area in question. Outdoor pole lighting is also in compliance with reducing energy consumption because by directing the natural light downward, it is brighter than normal which means the light should be lessened so as to alleviate glares and negative reflections or shadows which, overall, reduces the amount of light and energy needed.

No matter what design you have chosen for the top of your structure, you should quantify the needs you have prior to purchasing. First consider how much you want and the purpose of said light. You might want the light to only meekly establish a soft glow around a seating area upon which guests can gaze at the stars. You might, instead, wish the light to brighten an entire porch or deck so that you can entertain during the evening hours without worrying about the loss of daylight. You might still, want to use the light to create layers of illumination upon specific areas of interest such as a small garden, a secret path, a water feature or fountain, or a statue. Lastly, you might also want to use the light to emphasize a walking path leading to your home, a mailbox, a driveway entrance, a doorway, or another fixture.

Thankfully outdoor lighting is very flexible in terms of design, style, and size. You can utilize a shorter outdoor pole lighting system for smaller areas of interest, or taller outdoor lighting systems to stand over and illuminate a pathway These can be placed on their own, drawing attention to your yard, or hidden amidst trees to create a soft glow upon the ground and surrounding areas. Some designs for outdoor lighting will include a single bulb which is covered by thick plastic or glass to give off a colored, softer glow.

Expounding upon the basic framework of outdoor pole lighting, you can use darker colors, brass, or a white finish for your outdoor pole lighting. You can also alternate between multi-colored plastic, and glass panels encompassing the bulb, creating various lighting effects. If you have children, it is safer to use outdoor pole lighting which is taller, so that it remains out of reach of children. It is also important that all panels are secured tightly so that they cannot be removed by anyone but an adult.

Outdoor pole lights can add beauty and functionality to your outdoor lighting scheme. Pole lights were once restricted to highways and parking lots but times have changed. Many landscape designers are using this type of outdoor lights as an important part of some of their award winning designs. Just think of the "wow" factor that is added to a landscape design by a well positioned wrought iron pole light! With the additional of some hanging baskets you can have something that looks like it is right out of a magazine.

The first things you need to consider is the actual placement of the light. In order to properly consider the placement you need to think about your goals. Are the lights or light intended to be primarily functional or for aesthetic effect or perhaps both. If the lights are needed to be functional, for example along a long driveway then we might need more than one. As with all landscaping design elements, it best to have things in uneven numbers, ie 1 or 3 or 5. In some cases a single pole light can work magic. A nice light positioned at the junction of the driveway and the walk to the front steps gives a touch of class to most homes.

It is possible to get outdoor pole lighting at a variety of home renovation stores including Home Depot, Canadian Tire, and Lowes. These lights come in a variety of materials and are priced accordingly. The most common materials include wrought iron, cast iron, and aluminum. The most durable will be the most expensive and also the heaviest. The different models can range very modern designs with simple straight lines and square globes to very beautiful and intricate scroll work with antique shaped globes.

As people begin to spend more time in their outdoor space, they are beginning to care more and more landscape design. Decks and patios are becoming more elaborate and patio furniture has come to resemble furniture more commonly found in living rooms. The advent and popularity of the outdoor pole lights is just another step in this trend to make more use of our outdoor space.

I was walking down the road today and notices a nice driveway that had some really cool outdoor pole lights lining their driveway. What made them stand out was the fact that it reminded me of an when I was a child walking down the street at night under the street lights with the old faded light yellow covers over the bulbs. Took me back in time it did.

It led me to do a little bit of research on these light poles for my home. There really are quite a selection of them on the market these days, which really didn't surprise me as there are so many diverse tastes among people. Companies have always brought a wide variety of styles to the table in order to cater to people individual tastes. It is just good business to do so.

Outdoor light poles can be used for a wide variety of situations. They can be placed in a row like the fellow whose property it was that I walked by earlier, or they can be used to light up and entry to a home, or they can be used in a situation where you need some outdoor lighting to entertain you guests in a party area that you are designing.

They also offer any type of area a sense of security that might otherwise feel kind of creepy at night. There is nothing like having a good source of light when you are outdoors for allowing you to see anyone who might be coming onto your property. It is also effective at keeping those who might be unwanted from advancing as well.


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